Formally, welcome to Jean Adelaide's corner of the internet.

But I'm also known as Auri, and Faun and Liz and a host of other names; if you happen to recognize me by one, feel free to use it in private if I'm not using it at the moment in public. I'm a [redacted] age, if you know it or figure it out good for you. Based on context clues, most know I live on the South East United States Coast. I'm TME, genderfluid/flux/bigender/multigender and or queer as fuck, or, as my tumblr so wisely says: You wish you did gender like I do

And if you don't, try harder!

I don't feel comfortable sharing anything else or that it's necessary. I'm an adult human person, really. That's all!

Now that all that formal business is squared away:

hey, i'm auri :3. i primarily use that name online atm, but im not adverse to others. i like to write - the primary function of setting up this neo-cities - and i've been doing that literally since i was like, 9. not that anything i wrote then was probably noteworthy, but its what i've always wanted to do, even when i would occasionally get distracted by other things. writing was always in the background of my mind in some way. i knew even if i wanted to do those other things, i wanted writing to be a part of my life. so... here it is. i dont feel comfortable trying to publish in any formal way at the moment, so i'll share my works this way... if i can figure out how to get them on here. if anyone ends up seeing them up on here, then give me a high-five for figuring it out lol.

- Cat Ipsum -

Rub my belly hiss swipe at owner's legs sniff catnip and act crazy growl at dogs in my sleep sit on the laptop for hiss at vacuum cleaner i like to spend my days sleeping and eating fishes that my human fished for me.